Pause : how to press pause before life does it for you /

Marchant, Danielle,

Pause : how to press pause before life does it for you / Danielle Marchant - 224 pages ; 21 cm

I know life is crazy busy. I know you spend most days moving from one task to the next, getting stuff done but never really aCcomplishing your heart's desire. I know it's relentless. It feels impossible to stop, doesn't it? That somehow if you slow down everything will fall apart. I know you remember another way, a different time when there was more space to breathe. It might have been a long, long time ago but the memory is still reachable within you. A time when there was laughter and dancing, ease and flow. Somehow, somewhere the flow was dammed. Blocked by to-do lists, endless email, and meetings that went on far too long. Everything urgent, but nothing so important--not really. And now it's hard to breathe. To simply catch your breath and feel. Chest tight, body aching, restless nights, that constant dull ache in your head that never seems to go away. Always switched on, yet somehow sleepwalking through life. If this sounds like you, it's okay. I get it. It was my story too. I'll share it with you sometime. For now, this is your time to pause.

9781912023097 1912023091

Stress (Psychology)

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