Women's work : a reckoning with home and help /

Stack, Megan K.,

Women's work : a reckoning with home and help / Reckoning with home and help Megan K. Stack. - First edition. - x, 336 pages ; 25 cm

When Megan Stack was living in Beijing, she left her prestigious job as a foreign correspondent to have her first child and work from home writing a book. She quickly realized that caring for a baby and keeping up with the housework while her husband went to the office each day was consuming the time she needed to write. This dilemma was resolved in the manner of many upper-class families and large corporations: she availed herself of cheap Chinese labor. The housekeeper Stack hired was a migrant from the countryside, a mother who had left her daughter in a precarious situation to earn desperately needed cash in the capital. As Stack's family grew and her husband's job took them to Dehli, a series of Chinese and Indian women cooked, cleaned, and babysat in her home. Stack grew increasingly aware of the brutal realities of their lives: domestic abuse, alcoholism, unplanned pregnancies. Hiring poor women had given her the ability to work while raising her children, but what ethical compromise had she made?

9780385542098 0385542097


Stack, Megan K.

Child care workers--India.
Child care workers--China.
Working mothers--Biography.
Women household employees--India.
Women household employees--China.


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