Atheism and agnosticism : exploring the issues /

Huff, Peter A.,

Atheism and agnosticism : exploring the issues / Peter A. Huff. - xxxiii, 247 pages ; 25 cm. - Religion in politics and society today . - Religion in politics and society today. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Agnosticism -- Amsterdam declarations -- Atheism -- Atheism, New -- Atheism 2.0 -- Atheism and agnosticism, African American -- Atheopaganism -- Atheophobia -- Beauvoir, Simone de -- Besant, Annie -- Bradlaugh, Charles -- Cady Stanton, Elizabeth -- Christianity, Atheism and Agnosticism in -- Christina, Greta -- Darrow, Clarence -- Darwin, Charles -- Dawkins, Richard -- Deism -- Dennett, Daniel C. -- Du Bois, W.E.B. -- Feminism, atheism and agnosticism and -- Feuerbach, Ludwig -- Flew, Antony -- Freud, Sigmund -- Friendly atheist, The -- Goldman, Emma -- Harris, Sam -- Hirsi Ali, Ayaan -- Hitchens, Christopher -- Humanism -- Humanist manifestos -- Humanist of the year -- Hurston, Zora Neale -- Hutchinson, Sikivu -- Huxleys, The -- Ingersoll, Robert Green -- "In God we trust" -- Islam, atheism and agnosticism in -- Jacoby, Susan -- Judaism, atheism and agnosticism in -- Kristeva, Julia -- Kurtz, Paul -- LGBTQ+ persons, atheist and agnostic -- Marx, Karl -- Media, atheism and agnosticism and the -- Nietsche, Friedrich -- Nones -- O'Hair, Madalyn Murray -- Organizations, atheist and agnostic -- Pinn, Anthony B. -- Proofs for God, atheist and agnostics critiques of -- Ran, Ayn -- Reason rally -- Rushdie, Salman -- Russell, Bertrand -- Sartre, Jean-Paul -- Singer, Peter -- Skepticon -- "Under God" -- Zuckerman, Phil.

This guide provides an overview essay and approximately 50 alphabetically arranged reference entries that explores the background and significance of atheism and agnosticism in modern society.

9781440870828 1440870829


Atheism--United States--Encyclopedias.
Agnosticism--United States--Encyclopedias.

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