The occupation thesaurus : a writer's guide to jobs, vocations, and careers /

Ackerman, Angela,

The occupation thesaurus : a writer's guide to jobs, vocations, and careers / Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi. - 310 pages ; 26 cm

What if there was a shortcut for helping readers get to know your characters? Would you take it? Characters are as complex as people and revealing their inner layers without chunky blocks of pace-stopping description is a challenge. The Occupation Thesaurus can help you unlock one of the best tools in your show-don't-tell writing kit: a character's job. Occupations are part of our everyday world, meaning they can be used to encourage readers to make associations between a type of work and the person doing it, shortening to "get to know the character" curve. Whether a person loves or hates what they do, a job can reveal many things, including their priorities, beliefs, desires, and needs. The Occupation Thesaurus will show you how a career choice can characterize, drive the plot, infuse scenes with conflict, and get readers on the character's side through the relatable pressures, responsibilities, and stakes inherent with work

9780999296370 099929637X

Occupations in literature.
Characters and characteristics.
Job descriptions.

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