Wonderfully wired brains /

Gooding, Louise,

Wonderfully wired brains / Wonderfully wired brains : an introduction to the world of neurodiversity by Louise Gooding ; illustrated by Ruth Burrows. - First American edition. - 96 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm.

Includes index.

Wonderfully working brains -- Wonderfully diverse brains -- Wonderfully wired history -- Wonderfully wired people.

"This inclusive book will introduce children to the world of neurodiversity and encourages them to embrace their differences." --

9780744074635 0744074630 9780241568163 0241568161

GBC348317 bnb

020982417 Uk

Neurodiversity--Juvenile literature.
Brain--Juvenile literature.
Individual differences--Juvenile literature.

Informational works.
Picture books.
Illustrated works.

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