Scribble art : independent creative art experiences for children /

Kohl, MaryAnn F.

Scribble art : independent creative art experiences for children / Mary Ann F. Kohl ; illustrations by Judy McCoy. - Bellingham, WA : Bright Ring Publishing, c1994. - 158 p. : ill. ; 22 x 28 cm. - Bright ideas for learning . - Kohl, MaryAnn F. Bright ideas for learning .

Includes indexes. Rev. ed. of: Scribble cookies and other independent creative art experiences for children. 1985.

An amazing collection of art activities, some familiar, many new, all sure to guarantee complete satisfaction both to teacher and child. Each experience can be set up in an independent art center and enjoyed and explored without adult models to copy. The end result is bounded only by the imagination of the child.

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Art--Study and teaching (Primary)--Activity programs.
Art--Technique--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Creative activities and seat work.

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